Sampson interviews Mitch Bateman
...after getting skunked on a Thanksgiving run on Lake Creek, Sampson and his crew headed over to Pine Creek Rapid. Here they met up with local hero, Mitch Bateman. Arguably, the most competitive kayaker in the west. Between runs Sampson was able to catch up with Mitch to see whats cookin for the upcoming 2006 season. Here's what he found out:
(photos by Bryan Owen and Adam Chase)
Sampson: Mitch, most of the kayaking community realizes how much of a bad ass you are. Please share some of your training secrets with us.
Mitch: Well Sampson, basically I'm always training. From the moment I wake up to the second I go to bed. I like to analyze every movement I make...just like in competition. I like to practice my helix in the shower and donkey flips in the backyard. I have also been training with "the Legend," he's the kung-fu master of rodeo kayaking in Salida and happens to live behind the liquor store down the road.

Sampson: I notice you hit boofs without taking strokes. What's up with this?
Mitch: the boof! You must practise young Sampie...

Sampson: Ok Mitch, So I hear you've been spending lots of time at Pine Creek in the last few months. Are you giving up on the rodeo scene or just mixing it up. Any plans to win the race next year?
Mitch: Hell Yeah! I'm sure you have all heard about Pine Creek rapid and the big nasty hole near the end. Well, welcome to my world! I've been training for the race all summer and fall and feel confident in a mass domination of FibArk this year. I play in this hole at high water for fun...

Sampson: Mitch, tell us a little about new projects that you've been working on.
Mitch: We'll I've been working on a new series of instructional videos. The first one is kinda specific. It's called "Playboating for Drunk Guys" its a comprehensive instructional video that teaches you some new moves. Its actually shown in double vision, so you need to shut 1 eye to see the screen.

Sampson: That sounds fascinating. Well, thanks for talking to me. I know I'm a dog, and talking dogs usually freak people out. How do you feel being interviewed by a talking dog?
Mitch: I thought it was all in my imagination, but I'm open minded.

Sampson: to see Mitch Bateman's LVM spotlight, click here: